Saturday, August 8, 2009


At bedtime, Lucy and I usually pray a little bit in between the stories and the snuggle-in-bed. And then one day I had the idea of throwing in a little blessing for her: "The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
I really love speaking these words over my child every night, and oddly enough, I think Lucy likes hearing it; sometimes she says some of the words with me. The ritual of it is touching to me, every night, and I hope she remembers that I ask God for these things for her.

And she's never asked a question about my prayers, but she started asking questions about the blessing. Which led to the following conversation:

"Peace? What peace?"
"It's feeling really safe, and calm."
"God give us that?"
"Yes, he gives us peace."
"And Mama give peace?"
"Maybe a little bit. God gives us the most peace."
"Piece of cake?"
(Trying not to laugh. Not succeeding) "That's, um, a different word. It sounds the same, doesn't it?"
"Is it a big piece or a small piece?"
(No idea how to answer. Still laughing.)
"God gives biggest piece?"

Yes, I guess he does. Especially if (for Lucy, anyway) it's chocolate.

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