Monday, April 25, 2011

home home home home home

We came home.
The trip was lovely: lizards and friendly cats, family dinners and cousins decorating eggs together, our first easter egg hunt, and gospel music to celebrate the Christ; living in a house decorated in warm, rich earth tones (instead of beige and white), live oak trees and long walks to the library, wading in a creek bed, lots of mud pies, bath times to warm toes, and many meals on a picnic table at sunset.

But. We're home. The air is softer here, close to the ocean, and the girls spent an hour at their play house, just enjoying the flowers newly dusting the ground. I did a load of laundry and went grocery shopping, sorted mail, and laid on our carpet. I made plans with friends, and anticipate (longingly) an early bedtime.

Home, home home. Lovely as our sojourn was, we are home.

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