Sunday, August 8, 2010

our froggie

We went to our local nature center the other day. The park guide was kind enough to give us a little "treasure" map of the nature walks around the building, pointing out local animals and plants to check off as "treasures"--butterflies, ants, herons, lemonade berry bushes, willows, frogs.
We had good luck: a swallowtail butterfly, a heron, about ten lizards. We wanted to see, or hear a frog, though, and a walk past the little cattail choked pond did not produce results.
Julia kept chuckling, a throaty noise, deep down in her throat, like a cat with a hairball.
"Julia's our frog," said Lucy. "She's croaking."
We laughed together, checked off the frog, and went on to hunt a spider web. With our chuckling, ribbeting treasure along for the ride.

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