Wednesday, November 19, 2008

more on fox in socks, sir.

--Lucy likes reading it to herself, now. Mostly, this consists in yelling, "Stop it! Stop it!"

--I feel the tiniest bit competetive when I read this book aloud. As in, No one else can read this book this fast! Until I stumble and say something silly, like quick blick brocks or tweedle poddle buttle. I practice diction every week, with singing, so shouldn't I be a shoe-in for a Fox in Socks speed-reader contest? Read, sir! Lead, sir! Lead in reading, sir! Needing some leading reading, sir!

--How can this be? I just googled "Fox in Socks reading competition" and got 0 results. You'd think someone would be trying for a Guinness Book record or something.

So here we go: send me your times, and I'll post them here! It will be a world first!

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