Monday, November 17, 2008

nap nap nap nap

My fabulous husband let me take a long nap today when our sick, tired child decided that a 10-minute nap was sufficient (?!?) for her resting needs, thank you very much.
I'm hoping I can nip this bug in the bud.

In other news, our church is supporting Advent Conspiracy, (the whole do-gooder movement that inspired me to make our gifts this year.) They played a video in our service, which noted this crazy fact:
Americans spend 450 billion dollars a year on Christmas.
There is a global water crisis. Lack of fresh water kills more people in the world than anything else.
Approximate cost to solve said crisis? 10 billion dollars.

There are lots of great ways to give to worthy causes this holiday season, but that one tops my list. I'm going here to donate (a Christian org). Not a Christian? I'm sure there are lots of non-sectarian places working on water relief. Find one and give them some cash, already! Lets let go of our water bottles and make sure everyone on earth gets decent water to drink.

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