Thursday, December 14, 2006


I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself, because care of a baby is hard.
Then I realized something astonishing.

Quite a few people have parents!

That means, if you do the math, that there are literally dozens, if not hundreds of people around the world struggling with exactly the same problems as me!



Chaplain Deanna said...

And it gets even better. Most people become grandparents. Then you get to enjoy the children without all the work and responsibility. Truly the best part of life I think! How old are your children? Would you like my fingerpaint recipe?

Melissa said...

Also, that means most parents survive this stage. Since many adults still have parents. Another comforting thought.

Unknown said...

And there will be those times in life when your baby will take care of you, and that is the lovely karma of it all.