Tuesday, January 16, 2007

better and worse

Things have gotten so much dramatically better that I can hardly believe it.
Point 1. My cough is still here, but it's manageable, not keeping me up at night, and not threatening to turn into bronchitis (which I had in seventh grade for 4 months)
Point 2. My mother in law is here. Yea for Donna! She cleaned the bathrooms this morning!!! And emptied the dishwasher! And cleaned the island for the first time in about a month! And cleaned the sink!
Point 3. Keep this on the down low. (shhh.) Lucy's sleep is better. Much, much better. Amazingly better! Last night she slept 12 hours total, with one (gasp!) seven hour stretch. At this rate, I might actually stay sane!
I'm afraid of saying the last point out loud because who knows how long it will last. But really, that brings me to:
Point 4. The fact that things have gotten better after being so terrible means that this mothering thing might go in cycles. Phases, if you will. That if we enter a period of horror, it may not last the duration of Lucy's childhood. This realization brings some much-needed peace of mind. If things get bad again, I can probably count on them not staying bad forever. This is good! And "not forever" in this case only meant a couple of weeks.
Anyone can survive for a couple of weeks, right?
Hmmmm. Maybe get back to me next time Lucy's sleep goes down the toilet.

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