Thursday, January 4, 2007

whole food

I really shouldn't read anymore. I'm too suceptible to books' suggestions.
I'm reading The Omnivore's Dilemma. It's really good, but like reading "Fast Food Nation", you can't really read it without feeling guilty and/or disgusted by pretty much everything in your refrigerator.
We eat pretty whole foods (most processed food we eat is either cereal or canned goods, ie, beans or tomatoes). Oh, and some prepped meats from Trader Joe's. But I don't buy organic because I'm a cheapskate.
I might decide to start buying organic. Or even more crazily, local. When you hear about monoculture cornfields that bankrupt our farmers and fatten and sicken our nation, one feels led to do something about it.
Evidence of my suceptibility to books: halfway through the book, I decided we needed to join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) club to get our produce direct from a farm around here. Some friends of ours did it a while ago, and I thought, "How quaint of them.". Now I'm convinced it's the only way to go.
(After reading Fast Food Nation (on a long plane ride--bad call. One already feels queasy after 10 hours in the air) I decided to not eat fast food anymroe, unless it was In N Out. Which promise I promptly broke, only to feel sick from the McDonalds. Now, I pretty much stick to it. Fresher food, decent wages= In N Out for me.)
Or maybe I'll just go shop at Jimbo's and try not to buy the five dollar asparagus from Argentina (much as I love Argentina).
Or maybe I'll keep buying 19 cent bananas at Trader Joe's and just feel virtously guilty? Or buy the 25 cent organic ones?
One is just so wedded to the Way One Has Always Done Things. Like, I'm not sure I can get apples locally. Should we stop eating apples? Or what if I want to make soup from scratch in a month where celery isn't harvested from my CSA? And how exactly do you prepare turnips (which would be included in produce I got from one CSA).
Hmmmm. No more fancy-pants reading for me! Too much of a hassle.
Oh, in good news, the farm used as a model in the book (which operates with very very little waste--no trucked in compost--animals and plants nourishing eachother) is operated in Virginia by a conservative Christian who says farming is his ministry. How cool! Would that mothering and whatever else I do with my life could be a model, as well.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ooh, can I borrow it when you're done? I've been wanting to read that one. Except, wait, I have about 8 books sitting unread here on the desk. You should refuse to lend me anything.